Friday, June 13, 2014

Swimming Lessons

Well, we are a week into swimming lessons.  Payton and Lincoln are doing great and I am so excited to see all that they are learning.  I love that they are having fun.

I love that Lincoln goes off the diving board once every day.  Once, just once and then he is done.

I think it is funny that Payton refuses to go off the diving board and that I have to tell her everyday that she needs to at least jump off the side in the deep end.  I also think it is funny that she is laying on the deck flirting with her teacher.  Haha!

I love that they are getting more and more comfortable in the water.

It has been so fun staying for open swim after swimming lessons everyday.  Austin went from not wanting to be in the water at all to jumping in.  I can't believe he is my baby.

Love the baby pool!

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