Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Day of Firsts

Dave, Payton, and I are in Truckee! Anthony and his scout troop are also up here enjoying the cabin. So far it has been a lot of fun. The scouts are awesome! They are nice and love to play games. Last night we played a card game called Jack Seven and also Settlers of Catan. Settlers kept us up until after one in the morning. It reminds me of the good old days when Debbie Aston and I lived together and we would play until the sun came up. I have to say that I think I am finally getting better at the game. :o)

Today Dave, Anthony, and the Scout Master made a sled run down the hill beside the cabin. It must have been a good run because Anthony ripped out the bum of his jeans. :o) Anyway, this is where Payton experienced one of her firsts, not seeing her Uncle Anthony's rear but going sledding. Dave took her down the run. I have to admit I was very nervous but Dave went slow and I think Payton enjoyed herself.

Once the scouts were done sledding they started a snowball war. This would be another first for Payton. She helped her daddy make snowballs for Uncle Anthony. This was a snowball war like I have never seen. I think they were playing like they were in the Halo game. Meaning if they got hit by a snowball they had to stay down for a period of time. But what made it interesting was when Anthony decided to dump a pot of water off the balcony onto one of the scouts. I can't describe what happened after that, you would have just had to have been here. However, I will say that several of the boys ended up drenched and Anthony's already ripped pants ended up ripped from waistband to knee. What a sight! Don't worry I will not post the pictures of Anthonys bottom.

1 comment:

Jess@craftiness is not optional said...

hey! I like your new background! sounds like you're having a wild time up in Truckee! Does Payton like the snow? Play some settlers for me!