Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Play Dates

I just love having play dates! Payton loves being around other babies and I love being around other mommies. :o) Here is a quick snap shot of Payton and her friend Gage.

Dave, Payton and I are heading to Iowa to celebrate my grandmother's 90th birthday. I was concerned about the cold and how we would keep Payton warm. My friend Aimee lent me a bunting suit to take which made me feel a lot better. Then Michelle, Dave's mom, was at R.E.I. and found a bunch of baby buntings on sale and bought one for little Payton. We tried the bunting on Payton and she got this big smile on her face and just kept giggling. Then when we took it off she kept grabbinng at. I think she really likes it.


Jess@craftiness is not optional said...

how cuties! That was fun today with the babies, and fun getting to know Tara more! Love the bunting...see you tomorrow!

Jess@craftiness is not optional said...

Oh, and I love all your new posts and your new background! It's so addicting huh?