Born January 15, 2010 at 1:46 am
10 pounds, 20 1/2 inches long
10 pounds, 20 1/2 inches long
I have to admit I was full of mixed emotions. Was I ready for this?
We decided to wait until after my doctor's appointment before heading to the hospital. I was so afraid of going to the hospital and being told that I was just having Braxton Hicks contractions. When Dr. Pollard checked to see how I was progressing and told me that I was 5 cm dilated and that it was time to head to the hospital I was so happy. I had been waiting to hear those words for weeks.
We left the doctor's office and headed straight for the hospital with Dr. Pollard on our tails. She checked me again and I was 6 cm, she was confident that it wouldn't belong before our Lincoln would born. She broke my water, then headed off to a staff meeting. By this time my contractions were making me pretty uncomfortable and I requested an epidural. The anesthesiologist was great. Unfortunately, the epidural only numbed my left side but he stuck around until I was totally pain free. Thank You!
Dr. Pollard came back from her meeting and I was 7 cm dilated. Pretty Woman had just started on the TV and She was pretty confident that with the way I was progressing that I would most likely be ready to start pushing by the time the movie was over. Movie over still at 7 cm...
Dr. Pollard told me that she may have to give me a mini dose of Pitocin to try and get me going again or we may be facing a C-Section for failure to progress. She told me she would give me some more time to see if I could progress any more on my own and told me to try sitting in some different positions to get that baby boy moving.
8 cm, I start feeling every contraction in my lower back. Ouch! The Anesthesiologist comes back and gives me little something that should help quicker but might not last very long. Ummmmm, OK. Pains stops.
9 cm - 10 cm pain comes back, this time it is wraping around to my front too. OUCH!!!
Time to start pushing. The nurses tell me that I am doing a great job. I hope they are telling me the truth but think they are lying. :o)
A half an hour later Dr. Pollard is there and ready to catch the baby. Or maybe I should say play tug of war trying to get him out. LOL Luckily she won.
I knew in my head little Lincoln was going to be big but never imagined he would be 10 pounds big. Even more surprised was Dr. Pollard, the expression on her face was priceless. She was amazed and said if they would of had any idea that he was that big they would have never let me try the VBAC. I am just glad that everything went OK and that he is with us now.
Dave and I are so excited. Lincoln is such an amazing baby. We can't wait until he gets to meet Payton tomorrow.
Congratulations again!
Wow- now THAT's a successful vbac. 10lbs!!!!!!
Congratulations! I am so excited for you... what a little cutie!
yeah you're my hero, Kim. 10 lbs! wow. he's so cute, and looks a lot like payton in the second picture! :D
Congratulations! He is so cute. He looks a lot like Payton. I'm glad I'm not the only one crazy enough to try a VBAC for a large baby. Even though we both didn't know our babies would be so big. Hope your getting some rest!
Congrats Kimberly, I can't believe you had a 10 pound baby! WOW! He is so precious :)
YAYYYYY!!!!! He's finally here!!! Congrats!! What a big, little guy!!! You go, girl!! What a beautiful baby!!! I can't wait to see more pics!!! :)
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