Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Funny Day

Sunday was just one of those days. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall to watch myself.

Dave had to pick up his family from the airport in the morning so I was heading off to church with the two kidlets by myself. To start we have a pet gate in the hallway to keep the cats confined to a portion of the house. It is an extra tall gate, which surprisingly they have not tried to jump over, with a little swing open door to walk through. The door is not quite wide enough for me to fit the car seat through so to get out I either need to lift it up and over the gate with Lincoln in it or just put him in it on the other side of the gate.

Sunday I opted to lift him and the car seat up and over the gate only to realize that I had forgotten something back in the part of the house that was on the other side of the gate. I was already loaded down with the diaper bag and other misc. items so I decided to set Lincoln down before heading back through the gate for it. As I bent over to set him down the weight of what I was carrying put pressure on my hand which pushed the button on the water bottle I was carrying which then caused a fountain of water to pour on poor Lincoln in the car seat. He sputtered a bit and started crying. Yikes! How often does that happen? I am glad I am not a coffee drinker.

At church I got us all sat down and Lincoln started to squawk. I headed for the Mother's Room with Payton in tow to nurse him. Dave got to church while we were in there. Once we got back into the chapel and settled down Lincoln started spitting up. When I say spitting up I mean a river flowed from his mouth. I have no idea how I got away unscathed but I did. The spit up traveled down a fold in his clothes and ended up puddling in my hand. Seriously no more would have fit in the cup my hand made without spilling over. It was really disgusting.

At this point I thought good grief what else is going to happen.

Well, I ended up driving Dave's Dad's car to visit some family. When we got to the house I couldn't get the key out of the ignition. I looked everywhere for one of the release switches and found none. I tried calling Dave for suggestions but no answer. After turning the key to the on position and back to the off it finally came out. Weird. Well when I got back in the car to leave the car did nothing when I tried to start it. Nothing not even a sputter. I call Dave after a few minutes of trying different ways to start the car with no success. I am very frustrated at this point and tell Dave that his dad's car is stupid and that I am never driving it again. Then he says, "Hmmm, is the car in park?"...silence...laughter...I am such a dork. I never put the car in park and wouldn't you know once I did it started up just fine. What would even make him think of that?

Anyway, at least all these things made me laugh at the end of the day.

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