Thursday, February 25, 2010

Lincoln's One Month Check Up

Our little man is doing awesome! He was 11 pounds, 10 ounces and 23 1/2 inches long.

He is being treated for reflux...I hope the medication helps better than it did with Payton. I hate seeing him in pain and uncomfortable.
He is a decent sleeper, especially if you swaddle him good and tight. :o) Most of the time he only gets up once maybe twice at night.
He is having more and more peaceful moments. You know the ones, when he smiles and cues. I have found that I get more of these moments if things are quiet. I love those times!


*Stephanie Lance* said...

Oh i LOVE that last picture of him! What a cute little guy! I'm glad that he is doing well and you guys are all happy and doing great!! :)

Jess@craftiness is not optional said...

he is such a cutie!`