Sunday, February 28, 2010

Aladdin and Tummy Time

Payton loves Aladdin! She asks to watch it EVERY day. I remember going through a phase when I wanted to watch Ribin Hood (with Kevin Costner) every day for like a month... Anyway, it is so funny because when she is watching it you have to pause the movie to get her attention. She totally zones out. I have learned that if you are in a hurry not to turn it on. :o)

I love this picture because she is just so cute sitting in her little chair.

Payton also loves her Lincoln. I would have to say that she asks to do tummy time with him at least four times a day. When I finally agree to it she will pull out this little activity mat, lay down on it and wait for me to put Lincoln down next to her. It is so cute.

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