Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Free Time

Payton went back to school today and the boys and I stayed home, played games, and just laid low because of Austin's fever. 

When we got home I tried testing out an idea I had after attending a meeting on the transition of kindergarten to 1st grade.  See, in kindergarten they have homework once a week.  But in 1st grade they have about 10 minutes of homework every night.  Yikes!  Anyway, I thought about making a routine for when we get home so that when 1st grade comes around we are all accustomed to having some quiet time devoted to homework.  Maybe the routine would be having a snack then doing a worksheet or two out of the summertime workbooks we got over this past summer.  Well, the kids loved it!  Well, at least they liked it today.  Haha!  I just let them do as many pages as they wanted.  Lincoln did 3 and Payton did 4 then they were off to something else.  PLAYDOUGH!

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