Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Day in Court

The day that I was painting all our interior doors I happened to witness a car being stolen.  I didn't see the car actually being taken but I saw a guy walk down our street and then saw the same guy speed off in someone elses car.  Details...  Anyway, I received a summons to appear in court as a witness.  Yikes!  I really didn't want to go but didn't really have a choice in the matter.

I don't know why I was so nervous about going.  I wasn't the one that did anything wrong.

I walked into a courtroom, raised my right hand and swore to tell the truth, sat on a stand and had a person type everything I said.  I told them what I saw and then was free to leave.  Overall painless.

As I was leaving I walked out to the parking lot and walked to where I remember parking my car.  My car wasn't there.  Crap.  I walked up and down the row.  Looked down the rows on either side.  Where the heck is my car?  Just as I was reaching for my phone to call Dave and tell him the bad news, I remembered that I had parked one level down...Maybe I shouldn't be posting this.  :O)


Jess@craftiness is not optional said...

phew! I was getting scared by the end of this post-like NO WAY...her car got stolen ironically horrible. Thank goodness it wasn't that. :D

Sara said...

That gave me the goosebumps! You did the right thing, and I would have felt the same way. Good job!